Greetings! In just a short 30 business days the world has awoken to a completely different business dynamic. Where unemployment rates were at a 50-year low and jobs were abundant in our IT marketplace, the world is now in an economic downturn until the global pandemic Covid-19 comes under control. Even the most optimistic economists state that it could be a couple of quarters before we see the predicted V-shaped recovery starting to restore our familiar working routine.
This is remarkably salient in the high-tech industry in general, and enterprise storage in particular. Innovation and continuous investment therein are key drivers that enable compelling solutions to reach customers’ data centers. But in these extraordinary times business cannot operate as usual, and some vendors are finding their ability to maintain critical investment in innovation and their longevity at risk. The financial implications of the pandemic will have serious ramifications on those organizations that do not have an established track record of business rigor with the accompanying financial success.
Consider a recent post by Chris Mellor of The Register. It articulates and reinforces the severity of the challenges that many companies in our market space will be facing in the coming months. Even high revenue storage companies are not immune to market conditions and will be forced to address their bottom line and rationalize expenses. Many will be compelled to take other paths (e.g., premature product EoL, R&D reallocations, Roadmap items delayed or cancelled, exiting the marketplace, etc.). Where will this leave these vendors’ customers? The technology upon which businesses have literally placed their ongoing operations and viability could soon be unsupported while remaining a liability on their balance sheets. These customers must be pondering their response, and how to mitigate this potential reality should it happen.
Both Tintri and our parent company DDN are in a position that is rarely realized by marketplace participants: we are profitable companies. Our parent company, DDN, has always consistently focused on operational excellence and driving a profitable business model. Since Tintri’s acquisition, this has been our reality too.
DDN had a strong Q1 and is well positioned to support its primary customer base across research and development, NIH, Federal, Healthcare research, etc. Likewise, with Tintri, our continued investment in innovation enables us to deliver Intelligent Infrastructure to our customers. But our customers benefit from more than just our technology, they have the knowledge and business certainty that we will be here to support them throughout product lifecycles, present and future.
Companies desire to engage with financially viable vendors that will not only continue to invest in their future roadmaps for both software and hardware, but more importantly be able to support their customers today and beyond. Tintri/DDN is one of the few companies that can deliver on great innovation for data management and storage (Intelligent Infrastructure) solutions while providing our customers the long-term partnership upon which they can depend. Afterall, protecting your business data and driving operational simplicity is critical at any time, and is especially true in extraordinary times.
If you’d like to learn more about Intelligent Infrastructure and how deep data analytics combined with an operating system that understands your virtual applications in real time while protecting your business at scale, please reach out for a FREE TRIAL.
Thanks for reading,